compliance-level-2 |
0001-input-data-string-test-01 |
001 |
Testing valid input |
0002-input-data-number-test-01 |
001 |
Testing valid input |
0003-input-data-string-allowed-values-test-01 |
001 |
Testing valid input |
0004-simpletable-U-test-01 |
001 |
002 |
003 |
0005-simpletable-A-test-01 |
001 |
002 |
003 |
0006-simpletable-P1-test-01 |
001 |
002 |
003 |
0007-simpletable-P2-test-01 |
001 |
002 |
003 |
0008-LX-arithmetic-test-01 |
001 |
002 |
003 |
0009-invocation-arithmetic-test-01 |
001 |
002 |
003 |
0010-multi-output-U-test-01 |
001 |
002 |
003 |
0100-feel-constants-test-01 |
001 |
Tests FEEL boolean constants |
0101-feel-constants-test-01 |
001 |
Tests FEEL decimal number constant |
002 |
Tests FEEL negative decimal number constant |
004 |
Tests FEEL number constant |
005 |
Tests FEEL negative number constant |
007 |
Tests FEEL decimal number constant |
008 |
Tests FEEL negative decimal number constant |
0102-feel-constants-test-01 |
001 |
Tests FEEL string constants |
002 |
Tests FEEL unicode string constant |
003 |
Tests FEEL unicode string constant |
004 |
Tests FEEL long string constant |
0105-feel-math-test-01 |
001 |
Tests FEEL addition of number literals |
002 |
Tests FEEL addition of negative number literals |
003 |
Tests FEEL addition of negative number literals with brakets |
004 |
Tests FEEL subtraction of number literals |
005 |
Tests FEEL subtraction of negative number literals |
006 |
Tests FEEL subtraction of negative number literals with brakets |
007 |
Tests FEEL addition and subtraction of number literals with brakets |
008 |
Tests FEEL multiplication of number literals |
009 |
Tests FEEL multiplication of negative number literals |
010 |
Tests FEEL multiplication of negative number literals with brakets |
011 |
Tests FEEL addition and multiplication of number literals with brakets |
012 |
Tests FEEL division of number literals |
013 |
Tests FEEL division of negative number literals |
014 |
Tests FEEL division of negative number literals with brakets |
015 |
Tests FEEL addition and division of number literals with brakets |
016 |
Tests FEEL division by zero |
017 |
Tests FEEL potency of number literal |
018 |
Tests FEEL negative potency of number literal |
019 |
Tests FEEL potency of number literal with brakets |
020 |
Tests FEEL addition and potency of number literals |
021 |
Tests FEEL addition and potency of number literals |
022 |
Tests FEEL addition and potency of number literals with brakets |
023 |
Tests FEEL addition with null |
024 |
Tests FEEL addition with null |
025 |
Tests FEEL subtraction with null |
026 |
Tests FEEL subtraction with null |
027 |
Tests FEEL multiplication with null |
028 |
Tests FEEL multiplication with null |
029 |
Tests FEEL division with null |
030 |
Tests FEEL division with null |
031 |
Tests FEEL arithmetics with spaces between number literals |
032 |
Tests FEEL arithmetics with spaces between number literals and brakets |
033 |
Tests FEEL arithmetics with decimal number literals |
0106-feel-ternary-logic-test-01 |
001 |
Tests ternary logic for true, true |
002 |
Tests ternary logic for false, true |
003 |
Tests ternary logic for null, true |
004 |
Tests ternary logic for true, false |
005 |
Tests ternary logic for false, false |
006 |
Tests ternary logic for null, false |
007 |
Tests ternary logic for true, null |
008 |
Tests ternary logic for false, null |
009 |
Tests ternary logic for null, null |
0107-feel-ternary-logic-not-test-01 |
001 |
Tests ternary logic for true |
002 |
Tests ternary logic for false |
003 |
Tests ternary logic for null |
0108-first-hitpolicy-test-01 |
001 |
002 |
003 |
0109-ruleOrder-hitpolicy-test-01 |
001 |
002 |
003 |
0110-outputOrder-hitpolicy-test-01 |
001 |
002 |
003 |
0111-first-hitpolicy-singleoutputcol-test-01 |
001 |
002 |
003 |
0112-ruleOrder-hitpolicy-singleinoutcol-test-01 |
001 |
002 |
003 |
0113-outputOrder-hitpolicy-singleinoutcol-test-01 |
001 |
002 |
003 |
0114-min-collect-hitpolicy-test-01 |
001 |
002 |
003 |
0115-sum-collect-hitpolicy-test-01 |
001 |
002 |
003 |
0116-count-collect-hitpolicy-test-01 |
001 |
002 |
003 |
0117-multi-any-hitpolicy-test-01 |
001 |
002 |
003 |
0118-multi-priority-hitpolicy-test-01 |
001 |
002 |
003 |
0119-multi-collect-hitpolicy-test-01 |
001 |
002 |
003 |
compliance-level-3 |
0001-filter-test-01 |
001 |
0002-string-functions-test-01 |
001 |
Tests FEEL built-in functions on string literals (starts_with, ends_with, contains, substring, string_length, upper_case, lower_case, substring_before, substring_after) |
002 |
Tests FEEL built-in function for regular expresssion matching (matches) |
003 |
Tests FEEL built-in function 'replace' on string literals |
004 |
Tests FEEL built-in function for converting a number to a string |
0003-iteration-test-01 |
001 |
0004-lending-test-01 |
001 |
0005-literal-invocation-test-01 |
001 |
002 |
003 |
0006-join-test-01 |
001 |
0007-date-time-test-01 |
001 |
0008-listGen-test-01 |
001 |
002 |
003 |
004 |
005 |
006 |
007 |
008 |
009 |
010 |
0009-append-flatten-test-01 |
001 |
0010-concatenate-test-01 |
001 |
0011-insert-remove-test-01 |
001 |
0012-list-functions-test-01 |
001 |
002 |
003 |
004 |
005 |
006 |
007 |
008 |
009 |
010 |
011 |
012 |
013 |
014 |
015 |
016 |
017 |
018 |
019 |
0013-sort-test-01 |
001 |
0014-loan-comparison-test-01 |
001 |
0016-some-every-test-01 |
001 |
0017-tableTests-test-01 |
001 |
002 |
003 |
004 |
0020-vacation-days-test-01 |
001 |
002 |
003 |
004 |
005 |
006 |
007 |
0021-singleton-list-test-01 |
001 |
The purpose of this test is to check that the engine is properly coercing singleton lists into single elements (i.e., [a]=a) |
0030-user-defined-functions-test-01 |
001 |
Tests simple user defined function definition and
0031-user-defined-functions-test-01 |
001 |
Tests user defined function invocation with positional
002 |
Tests user defined function invocation with named
003 |
Tests user defined function invocation with complex
0032-conditionals-test-01 |
001 |
Tests simple 'if' condition for true |
002 |
Tests simple 'if' condition for false |
003 |
Tests simple 'if' condition for null |
004 |
Tests 'if' condition with function calls for true |
005 |
Tests 'if' condition with function calls for false |
006 |
Tests 'if' condition with function calls for null |
0033-for-loops-test-01 |
001 |
Tests single variable iteration |
002 |
Tests multi variable iteration |
003 |
Tests single variable iteration with BKM call |
004 |
Tests single variable iteration with inline list |
0034-drg-scopes-test-01 |
001 |
Tests information requirements of decisions and knowledge requirements of business knowledge models
0035-test-structure-output-test-01 |
001 |
002 |
003 |
0036-dt-variable-input-test-01 |
_20445ee0-744d-4488-a90e-136701510871 |
Test different, higher values |
_58109f16-2e9b-496e-bfff-5f0adbfa0279 |
Test different, lower values |
_9d09e1a1-d573-42f0-a026-da811bb73eeb |
Same values |
0037-dt-on-bkm-implicit-params-test-01 |
_0de87bf9-0269-40b1-b7ac-767ae9a99b89 |
Male |
_20d7e21f-f58f-4a78-8074-a70cbf13de83 |
Female |
0038-dt-on-bkm-explicit-params-test-01 |
_b224d5f5-006f-43bb-9ace-e6af924dc2b3 |
Test Female |
_bf27c25d-18f6-4891-8370-42d440709d90 |
Test Male |
0039-dt-list-semantics-test-01 |
_a217c840-6ead-4cb7-a3e1-ad9df9c0c584 |
select 1 and 2 |
_07726176-a1a0-4e9e-9de2-16dba51556e2 |
select 2 |
0040-singlenestedcontext-test-01 |
001 |
002 |
003 |
0041-multiple-nestedcontext-test-01 |
001 |
002 |
003 |
1100-feel-decimal-function-test-01 |
001_af177e63fc |
002_f4ed9cd487 |
003_2d50ec7ffc |
004_bb6f445d2c |
005_55d33eadf6 |
006_d9661e1d45 |
007_49f7a22058 |
008_73e4f1c8b9 |
009_398b94286e |
010_4b46e59c8b |
1101-feel-floor-function-test-01 |
001_75592d0dee |
002_6fea586853 |
003_cbae05445d |
004_30f6d26798 |
005_dd970ad275 |
006_1223620d9c |
1102-feel-ceiling-function-test-01 |
001_3df249d9c6 |
002_1052993cd8 |
003_ca33989df5 |
004_be4a3e809c |
005_cc56ed5373 |
006_bbdf3bf8d7 |
1103-feel-substring-function-test-01 |
001_53051b5628 |
002_03d12b93f0 |
003_6d06b1d2ec |
004_938a24e7af |
005_21fcca286c |
006_253e533bc6 |
007_3e021f33a8 |
008_ddeffdc93e |
009_b52405c384 |
010_fbf9a89fde |
011_a559ce6410 |
1104-feel-string-length-function-test-01 |
001_1afe6930d1 |
002_249c23050d |
003_e1df507dee |
004_f4c02fac3d |
005_ca834dabac |
006_6c4930a0eb |
1105-feel-upper-case-function-test-01 |
001_2395aaad55 |
002_991789dded |
003_d8306d8d00 |
004_310caf7262 |
005_b316d773ac |
006_d9bd3c14bc |
007_31fc6c1967 |
008_26e369a9d9 |
1106-feel-lower-case-function-test-01 |
001_f6ff05bcfa |
002_0ecb21e1d8 |
003_af9f3a8dab |
004_2dbf99e8c0 |
005_ad33325968 |
006_d8257b3b92 |
007_a2ce59499a |
008_9913ad454f |
009_78e6b2969b |
1107-feel-substring-before-function-test-01 |
001_2e948ccdc7 |
002_f4de663db7 |
003_60bc15bade |
004_6f93aa7654 |
005_c8e030633c |
006_1c3d39811d |
007_ea4e4a38b0 |
008_501b0a5990 |
009_a79c5a4111 |
1108-feel-substring-after-function-test-01 |
001_f532be66f2 |
002_f20d66fc1e |
003_367612fc8b |
004_e448ee2dad |
005_429efdafd0 |
006_bf89d6b618 |
007_529baaeb0b |
008_1e611924ea |
009_712fe2842f |
010_40e159d07a |
1109-feel-replace-function-test-01 |
001_7637e5a8ed |
002_b5c242ccd4 |
003_bf7aa95050 |
004_55a2186006 |
005_271d93aa68 |
006_9cd005d2e2 |
007_91583e38c9 |
008_8c7c3871f8 |
009_b1e4220bc9 |
010_cd4e7a6d9f |
011_c310665f57 |
012_b0cf9e6723 |
013_f669d03fa9 |
014_cea33baeee |
015_57ce78ec8a |
016_1c38095f50 |
017_b9c3c03b87 |
018_aba3349043 |
019_6ef91033ad |
020_52d93a8851 |
021_e33828e3da |
022_bd75fac0bd |
023_5c337d3725 |
024_4a89220cd6 |
025_b7f9525875 |
026_acb176590a |
027_d8d25f40e5 |
028_96e8c698af |
1110-feel-contains-function-test-01 |
001_2a4d7448c6 |
002_d2a1831b5c |
003_df56e0a1ad |
004_805503b274 |
005_5c1269db16 |
006_babdaf4f36 |
007_d24a599180 |
008_cf1311586a |
009_c4b50ad623 |
010_9ae03e0e59 |
1115-feel-date-function-test-01 |
001_e9ae035ab9 |
002_9b9e6085ce |
003_e4b7918d8f |
004_f24ed41117 |
005_3540a22062 |
006_616e24dbb7 |
007_cda82a5d01 |
008_492649d3d0 |
009_9e00bbdad3 |
010_6d4d58d23a |
011_5f0b42b1f8 |
012_d9e4b97438 |
013_d7e901ee86 |
014_fad7e00633 |
015_1dd66594cf |
016_31f3fef4a0 |
017_887dfef005 |
018_fc0ef0c8cb |
019_b2b82796ce |
020_7d56b7bf63 |
021_95fb3d9984 |
022_4063db2d59 |
023_4a1f604006 |
024_3cb98a2bb8 |
025_cf0ad1313c |
026_cedd7e5e5f |
027_987c5be372 |
028_35ca79a6cd |
029_88f5c7c90f |
030_9184a7bfc3 |
031_4f5ec70669 |
032_fc66cc2fec |
033_c3a5600c62 |
034_7d2e18a10c |
035_e6c1bb43fd |
036_b826a6b5f9 |
037_cfd70896b6 |
038_c26782f559 |
039_67a6eafa3f |
040_dd2a2ed4a2 |
041_9e7e388146 |
042_8f5dd97588 |
043_8f82301fac |
044_74893220b4 |
045_969723fed5 |
046_36bf30268a |
047_ba717eb672 |
048_25595a6420 |
049_a1644ce710 |
050_8f1e299951 |
051_ad98079864 |
052_63457d78b7 |
1116-feel-time-function-test-01 |
001_bdf26fdc72 |
002_9d2e399b96 |
003_d1f0ea5bb9 |
004_57aea91d1c |
005_32ea20b34f |
006_e266498180 |
007_ee82c7bf12 |
008_08078c6c29 |
009_804c21ed52 |
010_cc773bb44b |
011_ad5b3a26b5 |
012_3c2f416fc9 |
013_7f22c0bda8 |
014_0dc13176e8 |
015_376d693a79 |
016_c3cccff405 |
017_f3683885f5 |
018_35f1f2cce8 |
019_879be89d63 |
020_72b421086e |
021_5c50fa1dff |
022_55e76d3595 |
023_5cbbb85435 |
024_5f7f735e8f |
025_139b25b795 |
026_c5208af118 |
027_45082fd26c |
028_eaea7a943c |
029_f0d5c2c16a |
030_390d4f4648 |
031_4d086a3b59 |
032_d9b0d7f931 |
033_8420160da1 |
034_13c312c376 |
035_fbfce88ac4 |
036_eb05fabc01 |
037_eed195f693 |
038_05b311131c |
039_5b65992f0d |
040_6c9d17b491 |
041_29a448d57e |
042_00146f2977 |
043_2edfae8414 |
044_3073ffd026 |
045_ad1339e858 |
046_7b80221ec1 |
047_33cd7b9b15 |
048_9bedd52886 |
049_617d9e09d6 |
050_524d9a8146 |
051_a71d2a08f7 |
052_d825d58888 |
053_3d956966c0 |
054_fdc3094237 |
055_9b47db6ea4 |
056_a8e828d64d |
057_d039115cce |
058_81dd4b1639 |
059_c7e1705fe1 |
060_0cf4734fae |
061_da2717f085 |
062_6cd1313fa9 |
063_e85c40b474 |
064_df74038c67 |
065_79eaef6fee |
066_5116e12fd3 |
067_8285edad7b |
068_ad528abb23 |
069_5096701e2e |
070_8b2e39f570 |
071_cf9417648b |
072_4c8c3835e4 |
073_a5fc245959 |
074_387d4411ea |
075_1606dda03d |
076_cb117ca612 |
077_a4daad060c |
078_c2fe73418b |
079_d2d226c3cd |
080_2bbb8c86af |
081_69f4e0231e |
082_36a78e5396 |
083_6b608254c7 |
1117-feel-date-and-time-function-test-01 |
001_05fd7d6215 |
002_8c66ed2d1a |
003_335cff371a |
004_28ef3e7882 |
005_15df95b27a |
006_8c794da0bb |
007_59863d1b57 |
008_83eb9a93ba |
009_1982fa549c |
010_59f5b47012 |
011_eec2d5bdcd |
012_225a105eef |
013_c4fd0a0e8d |
014_ded0e5fe2f |
015_9e27148afd |
016_c08e4d417a |
017_47816add0e |
018_0614e473e7 |
019_c312e3dfe3 |
020_29e0585b6f |
021_99f0215b60 |
022_b8b20f0328 |
023_2e41497673 |
024_b4d1fb8735 |
025_0cb7f83ec6 |
026_5ba081cd5f |
027_ae365197dd |
028_1c3d56275f |
029_e3a5e786a0 |
030_2f97bff606 |
031_61e70c285f |
032_1e95e8726e |
033_2fac4d6807 |
034_75580be3aa |
035_831b1ad0c5 |
036_189e1c3095 |
037_c7aec7ecf7 |
038_1493e6d873 |
039_593292b25c |
040_d9116e1daa |
041_c6decfe6a3 |
042_0cbcc3d1dc |
043_2e4177d00c |
044_9404547f9d |
045_5d93a541eb |
046_89c1cd8daa |
047_60ea7838ce |
048_e387922273 |
049_eb9cd1f777 |
050_2d960354af |
051_46bdaa00b0 |
052_911dbd0a24 |
053_283c083df9 |
054_2561a406fc |
055_6ce9202e17 |
056_e66397568e |
057_0452ca8719 |
058_588040ceaa |
059_dfc62a3ebc |
060_890c302575 |
061_38ea1fc94d |
062_528aa370a3 |
063_2c94303011 |
064_926a372666 |
065_a13de18ee4 |
066_e9f3d6d2c2 |
067_35fef99b53 |
068_abaa1c2774 |
069_ca84e9c806 |
070_889c75a0cf |
071_e90b813dfe |
072_9f3e9b9c21 |
073_717548bec6 |
074_a15e7f8d29 |
075_4c3b8e7097 |
076_4d31fed18e |
077_f83b3ac8bb |
078_e113dabcdd |
079_2e6f80eb94 |
080_69de952053 |
081_e063215a7c |
082_5b6ed4e801 |
083_4f41731f2a |
084_c633b01603 |
085_a604a1bc80 |
086_12ca8ac1d3 |
087_e9fd32063a |
088_1db0287718 |
1120-feel-duration-function-test-01 |
001_f2c6cd6866 |
002_ddca5756ca |
003_951e1d1c31 |
004_6b31e7cde7 |
005_202d863d07 |
006_a885f926d9 |
007_2f0ad399f3 |
008_747f56743d |
009_cef3c1ed26 |
010_5b452a4975 |
011_2169615b94 |
012_2affe6d169 |
013_0e8e26513c |
014_598ba6fabd |
015_ce2cb09830 |
016_af3e37fdbd |
017_4f4549fda4 |
018_f5ec776811 |
019_2e6885755a |
020_af58b3766e |
021_e48e70ad4e |
022_668f24bed7 |
023_6fc32087db |
024_fd7000d72f |
025_f8ffbd8658 |
026_e6c47f0cae |
027_33b7fb8704 |
028_971b94f16d |
029_1a12a226cc |
030_afac0f2062 |
031_1ddad718b9 |
032_72c46a9ec9 |
033_5d1540abaf |
034_aa9cbb21a6 |
035_93eef01ae7 |
036_5f2775875e |
037_8c9ea9c0e6 |
038_67dc4c254c |
039_4aa0b67804 |
040_7d8eae461f |
041_264bc9d682 |
042_59a0000245 |
043_253815dc6c |
044_f3b338d877 |
045_2ffcc37801 |
046_eb637de5f6 |
047_3210c46a5a |
048_ab6244f767 |
049_2225b503a0 |
050_dd2ef33bbd |
1121-feel-years-and-months-duration-function-test-01 |
001_b24a0c91f2 |
002_4e7651ae0e |
003_0886738d31 |
004_1bdfef922b |
005_d0a077da4e |
006_f20de28d3f |
007_0921c3d61a |
008_015d35b442 |
009_635028a5d8 |
010_caaa2e5002 |
011_3fac022eb0 |
012_331ef38ce0 |
013_2f3cc46d9d |
014_1fadbba7cd |
015_0e496f94fc |
016_b38662aa93 |
017_86744b9a54 |
018_8a9ed1d66d |
019_90c2084588 |
020_8ead9a0377 |
021_8a7d311ae9 |
022_87e369773b |
023_6385c7a83e |
024_e96d1bd93a |
025_161f6fca54 |
026_fcc906b375 |
027_3374dd86c6 |
028_77600e7b35 |
029_15a0d0d9c1 |
030_ec16878596 |
031_4fd9c09d89 |
032_2a09ac80d0 |
033_7333eca866 |
034_c2cc06724c |
035_dc05f9555d |
036_f8c8b02ba3 |